Set videointerfon Commax ECO SET color format din monitor TFT de 3.5 inch Hands-Free CDV-43N si camera DRC-4MC. Setul de videointerfon Commax ECO SET se instaleaza foarte simplu si rapid, cablarea fiind pe 4 fire de la monitor la camera si pe 4 fire de la camera la yala. Camera are vedere pe timp de noapte iar unghiul este reglabil. Atat imaginea cat si sunetul videinterfonului Commax sunt impecabile oferind un confort sportit in zonele rezidentiale.
- Camera videointerfon color Commax DRC-4MC
- Carcasa metalica
- Montaj aplicat
- Alimentare: DC12V
- Cablare pe 4 fire
- Senzor C-MOS
- Dimensiune: 96 x 155 x 32.5 mm
- Distanta: 50 m, 28 m
- Temperatura de functionare: de la -10 pana la +50 grade Celsius
- Monitor LCD 4.3 inch CDV-43N
- Alimentare: 100-240V, 50/60Hz
- Monitor color LCD de 4.3 inch
- Montaj aplicat
- Cablare: 4 fire
- Dimensiuni: 259,5 x 126 x 37 mm
COMMAX is a company specializing in smart home that marks 47th anniversary this year, since established as Central Electronic Industry in 1968. COMMAX is creating value and safety of life any customers deserve to enjoy, while leading global market with advanced technical power and differentiated products spanning from interphone, video phone, smart home system to security solutions.
40 years of globalization, the Global Top Brand that exports to 120 countries all over the world
COMMAX is a Global Top Brand beloved at all over the world. It completes global standard with full lineup of products and systems satisfying different local market environments and requirements, as well as providing standardized products and services by means of glocalization strategy, of which target on the globalization and localization at the same time, along with accumulated technologies and know-hows.